
Subscriptions allow GraphQL clients to observe specific events and receive updates from the server when those events occur. This supports live updates, such as websocket pushes. Subscriptions introduce several new concepts:

Subscription Type

subscription is an entry point to your GraphQL schema, like query or mutation. It is defined by your SubscriptionType, a root-level GraphQL::Schema::Object.

Read more in the Subscription Type guide.

Subscription Classes

GraphQL::Schema::Subscription is a resolver class with subscription-specific behaviors. Each subscription field should be implemented by a subscription class.

Read more in the Subscription Classes guide


After an event occurs in our application, triggers begin the update process by sending a name and payload to GraphQL.

Read more in the Triggers guide.


Besides the GraphQL component, your application must provide some subscription-related plumbing, for example:

Read more in the Implementation guide or check out the ActionCable implementation, Pusher implementation or Ably implementation.


By default, the subscription implementations listed above handle each subscription in total isolation. However, this behavior can be optimized by setting up broadcasts. Read more in the Broadcast guide.


See the Multi-tenant guide for supporting multi-tenancy in GraphQL subscriptions.