Subscription Classes

You can extend GraphQL::Schema::Subscription to create fields that can be subscribed to.

These classes support several behaviors:

Continue reading to set up subscription classes.

Add a base class

First, add a base class for your application. You can hook up your base classes there:

# app/graphql/subscriptions/base_subscription.rb
class Subscriptions::BaseSubscription < GraphQL::Schema::Subscription
  # Hook up base classes
  object_class Types::BaseObject
  field_class Types::BaseField
  argument_class Types::BaseArgument

(This base class is a lot like the mutation base class. They’re both subclasses of GraphQL::Schema::Resolver.)

Extend the base class and hook it up

Define a class for each subscribable event in your system. For example, if you run a chat room, you might publish events whenever messages are posted in a room:

# app/graphql/subscriptions/message_was_posted.rb
class Subscriptions::MessageWasPosted < Subscriptions::BaseSubscription

Then, hook up the new class to the Subscription root type with the subscription: option:

class Types::SubscriptionType < Types::BaseObject
  field :message_was_posted, subscription: Subscriptions::MessageWasPosted

Now, it will be accessible as:

subscription {
  messageWasPosted(roomId: "abcd") {
    # ...


Subscription fields take arguments just like normal fields. They also accept a loads: option just like mutations. For example:

class Subscriptions::MessageWasPosted < Subscriptions::BaseSubscription
  # `room_id` loads a `room`
  argument :room_id, ID, loads: Types::RoomType

  # It's passed to other methods as `room`
  def subscribe(room:)
    # ...

  def update(room:)
    # ...

This can be invoked as

subscription($roomId: ID!) {
  messageWasPosted(roomId: $roomId) {
    # ...

If the ID doesn’t find an object, then the subscription will be unsubscribed (with #unsubscribe, see below).


Like mutations, you can use a generated return type for subscriptions. When you add field(...)s to a subscription, they’ll be added to the subscription’s generated return type. For example:

class Subscriptions::MessageWasPosted < Subscriptions::BaseSubscription
  field :room, Types::RoomType, null: false
  field :message, Types::MessageType, null: false

will generate:

type MessageWasPostedPayload {
  room: Room!
  message: Message!

Which you can use in queries like:

subscription($roomId: ID!) {
  messageWasPosted(roomId: $roomId) {
    room {
    message {
      author {

If you remove null: false, then you can return different data in the initial subscription and the subsequent updates. (See lifecycle methods below.)

Instead of a generated type, you can provide an already-configured type with payload_type:

# Just return a message
payload_type Types::MessageType

(In that case, don’t return a hash from #subscribe or #update, return a message object instead.)


Usually, GraphQL-Ruby uses explicitly-passed arguments to determine when a trigger applies to an active subscription. But, you can use subscription_scope to configure implicit conditions on updates. When subscription_scope is configured, only triggers with a matching scope: value will cause clients to receive updates.

subscription_scope accepts a symbol and the given symbol will be looked up in context to find a scope value.

For example, this subscription will use context[:current_organization_id] as a scope:

class Subscriptions::EmployeeHired < Subscriptions::BaseSubscription
  # ...
  subscription_scope :current_organization_id

Clients subscribe without any arguments:

subscription {
  employeeHired {
    employee {

But .triggers are routed using scope:. So, if the subscriber’s context includes current_organization_id: 100, then the trigger must include the same scope: value:

  # Field name
  # Arguments
  # Object
  { hire_date:, employee: new_employee },
  # This corresponds to `context[:current_organization_id]`
  # in the original subscription:
  scope: 100

Scope is also used for determining whether subscribers can receive the same broadcast.

Check Permissions with #authorized?

Suppose a client is subscribing to messages in a chat room:

subscription($roomId: ID!) {
  messageWasPosted(roomId: $roomId) {
    message {
      author { handle }

You can implement #authorized? to check that the user has permission to subscribe to these arguments (and receive updates for these arguments), for example:

def authorized?(room:)
  super && context[:viewer].can_read_messages?(room)

The method may return false or raise a GraphQL::ExecutionError to halt execution.

This method is called before #subscribe and #update, described below. This way, if a user’s permissions have changed since they subscribed, they won’t receive updates unauthorized updates.

Also, if this method fails before calling #update, then the client will be automatically unsubscribed (with #unsubscribe).

Initial Subscription with #subscribe

def subscribe(**args) is called when a client first sends a subscription { ... } request. In this method, you can do a few things:

You can define this method to add initial responses or perform other logic before subscribing.

Adding an Initial Response

By default, GraphQL-Ruby returns nothing (:no_response) on an initial subscription. But, you may choose to override this and return a value in def subscribe. For example:

class Subscriptions::MessageWasPosted < Subscriptions::BaseSubscription
  # ...
  field :room, Types::RoomType

  def subscribe(room:)
    # authorize, etc ...
    # Return the room in the initial response
      room: room

Now, a client can get some initial data with:

subscription($roomId: ID!) {
  messageWasPosted(roomId: $roomId) {
    room {
      messages(last: 40) {
        # ...

Subsequent Updates with #update

After a client has registered a subscription, the application may trigger subscription updates with MySchema.subscriptions.trigger(...) (see the Triggers guide for more). Then, def update will be called for each client’s subscription. In this method you can:

Skipping subscription updates

Perhaps you don’t want to send updates to a certain subscriber. For example, if someone leaves a comment, you might want to push the new comment to other subscribers, but not the commenter, who already has that comment data. You can accomplish this by returning NO_UPDATE.

class Subscriptions::CommentWasAdded < Subscriptions::BaseSubscription
  def update(post_id:)
    comment = object # #<Comment ...>
    if == context[:viewer]
      # Continue updating this client, since it's not the commenter

Returning a different object for subscription updates

By default, whatever object you pass to .trigger(event_name, args, object) will be used for responding to subscription fields. But, you can return a different object from #update to override this:

field :queue, Types::QueueType, null: false

# eg, `MySchema.subscriptions.trigger("queueWasUpdated", {name: "low-priority"}, :low_priority)`
def update(name:)
  # Make a Queue object which _represents_ the queue with this name
  queue =

  # This object was passed to `.trigger`, but we're ignoring it:
  object # => :low_priority

  # return the queue instead:
  { queue: queue }

Terminating the subscription with #unsubscribe

Within a subscription method, you may call unsubscribe to terminate the client’s subscription, for example:

def update(room:)
  if room.archived?
    # Don't let anyone subscribe to messages on an archived room

#unsubscribe has the following effects:

Arguments with loads: configurations will call unsubscribe if they are required: true (which is the default) and their ID doesn’t return a value. (It’s assumed that the subscribed object was deleted.)

You can provide a final update value with unsubscribe by passing a value to the method:

def update(room:)
  if room.archived?
    # Don't let anyone subscribe to messages on an archived room
    unsubscribe({message: "This room has been archived"})


Subscription methods can access query-related metadata by configuring extras [...] in the class definition. For example, to use a lookahead and the ast_node:

class Subscriptions::JobFinished < GraphQL::Schema::Subscription
  # ...
  extras [:lookahead, :ast_node]

  def subscribe(lookahead:, ast_node:)
    # ...

  def update(lookahead:, ast_node:)
    # ...

See the Extra Field Metadata for more information about available metadata.