
GraphQL::Tracing::Trace provides hooks to observe and modify events during runtime. Tracing hooks are methods, defined in modules and mixed in with Schema.trace_with.

module CustomTrace
  def parse(query_string:)
    # measure, log, etc

  # ...

To include a trace module when running queries, add it to the schema with trace_with:

# Run `MyCustomTrace` for all queries
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema

For a full list of methods and their arguments, see GraphQL::Tracing::Trace.

By default, GraphQL-Ruby makes a new trace instance when it runs a query. You can pass an existing instance as context: { trace: ... }. Also, GraphQL.parse( ..., trace: ...) accepts a trace instance.

Detailed Traces

You can capture detailed traces of query execution with Tracing::DetailedTrace. They can be viewed in Google’s Perfetto Trace Viewer. They include a per-Fiber breakdown with links between fields and Dataloader sources.

GraphQL-Ruby Dataloader Perfetto Trace

Learn how to set it up in the Tracing::DetailedTrace docs.

External Monitoring Platforms

There integrations for GraphQL-Ruby with several other monitoring systems: