provides hooks to observe and modify events during runtime. Tracing hooks are methods, defined in modules and mixed in with Schema.trace_with
module CustomTrace
def parse(query_string:)
# measure, log, etc
# ...
To include a trace module when running queries, add it to the schema with trace_with
# Run `MyCustomTrace` for all queries
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
For a full list of methods and their arguments, see GraphQL::Tracing::Trace
By default, GraphQL-Ruby makes a new trace instance when it runs a query. You can pass an existing instance as context: { trace: ... }
. Also, GraphQL.parse( ..., trace: ...)
accepts a trace instance.
You can attach a trace module to run only in some circumstances by using mode:
. For example, to add detailed tracing for only some requests:
trace_with DetailedTrace, mode: :detailed_metrics
Then, to opt into that trace, use context: { trace_mode: :detailed_metrics, ... }
when executing queries.
Any custom trace modes also include the default trace_with ...
modules (that is, those added without any particular mode: ...
For detailed profiles of complex queries, try Tracing::PerfettoTrace
. Its trace can be viewed in Google’s Perfetto Trace Viewer. They include a per-Fiber breakdown with links between fields and Dataloader sources.
You can emit events to ActiveSupport::Notifications
with an experimental tracer, ActiveSupportNotificationsTrace
To enable it, install the tracer:
# Send execution events to ActiveSupport::Notifications
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
Several monitoring platforms are supported out-of-the box by GraphQL-Ruby (see platforms below).
Leaf fields are not monitored (to avoid high cardinality in the metrics service).
AppOptics instrumentation will be automatic starting with appoptics_apm-4.11.0.gem. For earlier gem versions please add appoptics_apm tracing as follows:
require 'appoptics_apm'
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::AppOpticsTrace
To add AppSignal instrumentation:
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::AppsignalTrace
To add New Relic instrumentation:
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::NewRelicTrace
# Optional, use the operation name to set the new relic transaction name:
# trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::NewRelicTrace, set_transaction_name: true
To add Scout APM instrumentation:
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::ScoutTrace
To add Skylight instrumentation, you may either enable the GraphQL probe or use ActiveSupportNotificationsTracing.
# config/application.rb
config.skylight.probes << "graphql"
GraphQL instrumentation for Skylight is available in versions >= 4.2.0.
To add Datadog instrumentation:
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::DataDogTrace
For more details about Datadog’s tracing API, check out the Ruby documentation or the APM documentation for more product information.
To add Prometheus instrumentation:
require 'prometheus_exporter/client'
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::PrometheusTrace
The PrometheusExporter server must be run with a custom type collector that extends
# lib/graphql_collector.rb
if defined?(PrometheusExporter::Server)
require 'graphql/tracing'
class GraphQLCollector < GraphQL::Tracing::PrometheusTrace::GraphQLCollector
bundle exec prometheus_exporter -a lib/graphql_collector.rb
To add Sentry instrumentation:
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::SentryTrace
You can add Statsd instrumentation by initializing a statsd client and passing it to GraphQL::Tracing::StatsdTrace
$statsd = 'localhost', 9125
# ...
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
use GraphQL::Tracing::StatsdTrace, statsd: $statsd
Any Statsd client that implements .time(name) { ... }
will work.