
Connections use cursors to advance through paginated lists. A cursor is an opaque string that indicates a specific point in this.

Here, opaque means that the string has no meaning except its value. cursors shouldn’t be decoded, reverse-engineered, or generated ad-hoc. The only guarantee of a cursor is that, after you retrieve one, you can use it to request subsequent or preceding items in the list.

Although cursors can be tricky, they were chosen for Relay-style connections because they can be implemented in stable and high-performing ways.

Customizing Cursors

By default, cursors are encoded in base64 to make them opaque to a human client. You can specify a custom encoder with Schema.cursor_encoder. The value should be an object which responds to .encode(plain_text, nonce:) and .decode(encoded_text, nonce: false).

For example, to use URL-safe base-64 encoding:

module URLSafeBase64Encoder
  def self.encode(txt, nonce: false)

  def self.decode(txt, nonce: false)

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  # ...

Now, all connections will use URL-safe base-64 encoding.

From a connection instance, the cursor_encoders methods are available via GraphQL::Pagination::Connection#encode and GraphQL::Pagination::Connection#decode