⚡️ Pro Feature ⚡️ This feature is bundled with GraphQL-Pro.

ActiveRecord Backend

GraphQL-Pro’s OperationStore can use ActiveRecord to store persisted queries. After setting up the database, it will read and write using those tables as needed.

Database Setup

To use ActiveRecord, GraphQL::Pro::OperationStore requires some database tables.

Rails Generator

With Rails, you can generate the required migration then run it:

$ rails generate graphql:operation_store:create
$ rails db:migrate

(You’ll have to run that migration on any staging or production servers, too.)

Now, OperationStore has what it needs to save queries using ActiveRecord!

Manual Setup

You can also create the required migration by manually by generating an empty migration:

$ rails generate migration SetupOperationStore

Then open the migration file and add:

# ...
# implement the change method with:
def change
  create_table :graphql_clients, primary_key: :id do |t|
    t.column :name, :string, null: false
    t.column :secret, :string, null: false
  add_index :graphql_clients, :name, unique: true
  add_index :graphql_clients, :secret, unique: true

  create_table :graphql_operations, primary_key: :id do |t|
    t.column :digest, :string, null: false
    t.column :body, :text, null: false
    t.column :name, :string, null: false
  add_index :graphql_operations, :digest, unique: true

  create_table :graphql_client_operations, primary_key: :id do |t|
    t.references :graphql_client, null: false
    t.references :graphql_operation, null: false
    t.column :alias, :string, null: false
    t.column :last_used_at, :datetime
    t.column :is_archived, :boolean, default: false
  add_index :graphql_client_operations, [:graphql_client_id, :alias], unique: true, name: "graphql_client_operations_pairs"
  add_index :graphql_client_operations, :is_archived

  create_table :graphql_index_entries, primary_key: :id do |t|
    t.column :name, :string, null: false
  add_index :graphql_index_entries, :name, unique: true

  create_table :graphql_index_references, primary_key: :id do |t|
    t.references :graphql_index_entry, null: false
    t.references :graphql_operation, null: false
  add_index :graphql_index_references, [:graphql_index_entry_id, :graphql_operation_id], unique: true, name: "graphql_index_reference_pairs"

Then run the migration:

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

(You’ll have to run that migration on any staging or production servers, too.)

Now, OperationStore has what it needs to save queries using ActiveRecord!

Database Update

GraphQL-Pro 1.15.0 introduced new features for the OperationStore. To enable them, add some columns to your database:

add_column :graphql_client_operations, :is_archived, :boolean, default: false
add_column :graphql_client_operations, :last_used_at, :datetime

Updating last_used_at

By default, GraphQL-Pro updates last_used_at values in a background thread every 5 seconds. You can customize this by passing a number of seconds to update_last_used_at_every: when installing the OperationStore:

use GraphQL::Pro::OperationStore, update_last_used_at_every: 1 # seconds

To update that column inline each time an operation is accessed, pass 0.

Note: It is recommended to set this to 0 in test environments, to avoid delayed updates in another thread that can cause intermittent test hangs and failures. For example:

# Update immediately in Test, wait 5 seconds in other environments:
use GraphQL::Pro::OperationStore, update_last_used_at_every: Rails.env.test? ? 0 : 5