๐ŸŒŸ Enterprise Feature ๐ŸŒŸ This feature is bundled with GraphQL-Enterprise.

Runtime Considerations

With caching configured, here are a few more things to keep in mind while queries are running.

Skipping the cache

You can set skip_object_cache: true in your query context: { ... } to disable ObjectCache for a given query.

Manually adding an object to caching

By default, ObjectCache gathers the objects โ€œbehindโ€ each GraphQL object in the result, then uses their fingerprints as cache keys. To manually register another object with the cache while a query is running, call Schema::Object.cacheable_object(...), passing the object and context. For example:

field :team_member_count, Integer, null: true do
  argument :name, String, required: true

def team_member_count(name:)
  team = Team.find_by(name: name)
  if team
    # Register this object so that the cached result
    # will be invalidated when the team is updated:
    Types::Team.cacheable_object(team, context)

(When the cache is disabled, cacheable_object(...) is a no-op.)

Measuring the cache

While the cache is running, it logs some data in a Hash as context[:object_cache]. For example:

result = MySchema.execute(...)
pp result.context[:object_cache]
  key: "...",                 # the cache key used for this query
  write: true,                # if this query caused an update to the cache
  ttl: 15,                    # the smallest `ttl:` value encountered in this query (used for this query's result)
  hit: true,                  # if this query returned a cached result
  public: false,              # true or false, whether this query used a public cache key or a private one
  messages: ["...", "..."],   # status messages about the cache's behavior
  objects: Set(...),          # application objects encountered during the query
  uncacheable: true,          # if ObjectCache found a reason that this query couldn't be cached (see `messages: ...` for reason)