
While a query is running, you can check each object to see whether the current user is authorized to interact with that object. If the user is not authorized, you can handle the case with an error.

Adding Authorization Checks

Schema members have authorized? methods which will be called during execution:

These methods are called with:

Object Authorization

When you implement this method to return false, the query will be halted, for example:

class Types::Friendship < Types::BaseObject
  # You can only see the details on a `Friendship`
  # if you're one of the people involved in it.
  def self.authorized?(object, context)
    super && (object.to_friend == context[:viewer] || object.from_friend == context[:viewer])

(Always call super to get the default checks, too.)

Now, whenever an object of type Friendship is going to be returned to the client, it will first go through the .authorized? method. If that method returns false, the field will get nil instead of the original object, and you may handle that case with an error (see below).

Field Authorization

Field #authorized? methods are called before resolving a field, for example:

class Types::BaseField < GraphQL::Schema::Field
  # Pass `field ..., require_admin: true` to reject non-admin users from a given field
  def initialize(*args, require_admin: false, **kwargs, &block)
    @require_admin = require_admin
    super(*args, **kwargs, &block)

  def authorized?(obj, args, ctx)
    # if `require_admin:` was given, then require the current user to be an admin
    super && (@require_admin ? ctx[:viewer]&.admin? : true)

For this to work, the base field class must be configured with other GraphQL types.

Argument Authorization

Argument #authorized? hooks are called before resolving the field that the argument belongs to. For example:

class Types::BaseArgument < GraphQL::Schema::Argument
  def initialize(*args, require_logged_in: false, **kwargs, &block)
    @require_logged_in = require_logged_in
    super(*args, **kwargs, &block)

  def authorized?(obj, arg_value, ctx)
    super && if @require_logged_in

For this to work, the base argument class must be configured with other GraphQL types.

Mutation Authorization

See mutations/mutation_authorization.html#can-this-user-perform-this-action Mutation Authorization) in the Mutation Guides.

Enum Value Authorization

GraphQL::Schema::EnumValue#authorized? is called when client input is received and when the schema returns values to the client.

For authorizing input, if a value’s #authorized? method returns false, then a GraphQL::UnauthorizedEnumValueError is raised. It passed to your schema’s .unauthorized_object hook, where you can handle it another way if you want.

For authorizing return values, if an outgoing value’s #authorized? method returns false, then a GraphQL::Schema::Enum::UnresolvedValueError is raised, which crashes the query. In this case, you should modify your field or resolver to not return this value to an unauthorized viewer. (In this case, the error isn’t returned to the viewer because the viewer can’t do anything about it – it’s a developer-facing issue instead.)

Handling Unauthorized Objects

By default, GraphQL-Ruby silently replaces unauthorized objects with nil, as if they didn’t exist. You can customize this behavior by implementing Schema.unauthorized_object in your schema class, for example:

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  # Override this hook to handle cases when `authorized?` returns false for an object:
  def self.unauthorized_object(error)
    # Add a top-level error to the response instead of returning nil:
    raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "An object of type #{error.type.graphql_name} was hidden due to permissions"

Now, the custom hook will be called instead of the default one.

If .unauthorized_object returns a non-nil object (and doesn’t raise an error), then that object will be used in place of the unauthorized object.

A similar hook is available for unauthorized fields:

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  # Override this hook to handle cases when `authorized?` returns false for a field:
  def self.unauthorized_field(error)
    # Add a top-level error to the response instead of returning nil:
    raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "The field #{error.field.graphql_name} on an object of type #{error.type.graphql_name} was hidden due to permissions"