Class: GraphQL::Dataloader
- Inherits:
- Object
- GraphQL::Dataloader
- Defined in:
- lib/graphql/dataloader.rb,
lib/graphql/dataloader/active_record_association_source.rb more...
This plugin supports Fiber-based concurrency, along with Source.
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: ActiveRecordAssociationSource, ActiveRecordSource, AsyncDataloader, NullDataloader, Request, RequestAll, Source
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.default_fiber_limit ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_fiber_limit.
.default_nonblocking ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_nonblocking.
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#fiber_limit ⇒ Integer?
Class Method Summary collapse
.use(schema, nonblocking: nil, fiber_limit: nil) ⇒ Object
.with_dataloading(&block) ⇒ Object
Call the block with a Dataloader instance, then run all enqueued jobs and return the result of the block.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#append_job(&job) ⇒ Object
#cleanup_fiber ⇒ Object
This method is called when Dataloader is finished using a fiber.
#clear_cache ⇒ void
Clear any already-loaded objects from Source caches.
#get_fiber_variables ⇒ Hash<Symbol, Object>
This is called before the fiber is spawned, from the parent context (i.e. from the thread or fiber that it is scheduled from).
#initialize(nonblocking: self.class.default_nonblocking, fiber_limit: self.class.default_fiber_limit) ⇒ Dataloader
A new instance of Dataloader.
#merge_records(records, index_by: :id) ⇒ void
Pre-warm the Dataloader cache with ActiveRecord objects which were loaded elsewhere.
#nonblocking? ⇒ Boolean
#run ⇒ Object
#run_fiber(f) ⇒ Object
#run_isolated ⇒ Object
Use a self-contained queue for the work in the block.
#set_fiber_variables(vars) ⇒ void
Set up the fiber variables in a new fiber.
#spawn_fiber ⇒ Object
#with(source_class, *batch_args, **batch_kwargs) ⇒ Object
truffle-ruby wasn’t doing well with the implementation below.
#yield(source = ) ⇒ void
Tell the dataloader that this fiber is waiting for data.
Constructor Details
#initialize(nonblocking: self.class.default_nonblocking, fiber_limit: self.class.default_fiber_limit) ⇒ Dataloader
Returns a new instance of Dataloader.
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 60 def initialize(nonblocking: self.class.default_nonblocking, fiber_limit: self.class.default_fiber_limit) @source_cache = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } @pending_jobs = [] if !nonblocking.nil? @nonblocking = nonblocking end @fiber_limit = fiber_limit end |
Class Attribute Details
.default_fiber_limit ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_fiber_limit.
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 29 def default_fiber_limit @default_fiber_limit end |
.default_nonblocking ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute default_nonblocking.
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 29 def default_nonblocking @default_nonblocking end |
Instance Attribute Details
#fiber_limit ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 70 def fiber_limit @fiber_limit end |
Class Method Details
.use(schema, nonblocking: nil, fiber_limit: nil) ⇒ Object
[View source]
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 32 def self.use(schema, nonblocking: nil, fiber_limit: nil) dataloader_class = if nonblocking warn("`nonblocking: true` is deprecated from `GraphQL::Dataloader`, please use `GraphQL::Dataloader::AsyncDataloader` instead. Docs:") { self.default_nonblocking = true } else self end if fiber_limit dataloader_class = dataloader_class.default_fiber_limit = fiber_limit end schema.dataloader_class = dataloader_class end |
.with_dataloading(&block) ⇒ Object
Call the block with a Dataloader instance, then run all enqueued jobs and return the result of the block.
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 50 def self.with_dataloading(&block) dataloader = result = nil dataloader.append_job { result = } result end |
Instance Method Details
#append_job(&job) ⇒ Object
143 144 145 146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 143 def append_job(&job) # Given a block, queue it up to be worked through when `#run` is called. # (If the dataloader is already running, than a Fiber will pick this up later.) @pending_jobs.push(job) nil end |
#cleanup_fiber ⇒ Object
This method is called when Dataloader is finished using a fiber. Use it to perform any cleanup, such as releasing database connections (if required manually)
101 102 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 101 def cleanup_fiber end |
#clear_cache ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Clear any already-loaded objects from Source caches
152 153 154 155 156 157 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 152 def clear_cache @source_cache.each do |_source_class, batched_sources| batched_sources.each_value(&:clear_cache) end nil end |
#get_fiber_variables ⇒ Hash<Symbol, Object>
This is called before the fiber is spawned, from the parent context (i.e. from the thread or fiber that it is scheduled from).
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 80 def get_fiber_variables fiber_vars = {} Thread.current.keys.each do |fiber_var_key| fiber_vars[fiber_var_key] = Thread.current[fiber_var_key] end fiber_vars end |
#merge_records(records, index_by: :id) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Pre-warm the Dataloader cache with ActiveRecord objects which were loaded elsewhere.
These will be used by ActiveRecordSource, ActiveRecordAssociationSource and their helper
methods, dataload_record
and dataload_association
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 266 def merge_records(records, index_by: :id) records_by_class = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } records.each do |r| records_by_class[r.class][r.public_send(index_by)] = r end records_by_class.each do |r_class, records| with(ActiveRecordSource, r_class).merge(records) end end |
#nonblocking? ⇒ Boolean
72 73 74 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 72 def nonblocking? @nonblocking end |
#run ⇒ Object
[View source]
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 191 def run trace = Fiber[:__graphql_current_multiplex]&.current_trace jobs_fiber_limit, total_fiber_limit = calculate_fiber_limit job_fibers = [] next_job_fibers = [] source_fibers = [] next_source_fibers = [] first_pass = true manager = spawn_fiber do trace&.begin_dataloader(self) while first_pass || !job_fibers.empty? first_pass = false while (f = (job_fibers.shift || (((next_job_fibers.size + job_fibers.size) < jobs_fiber_limit) && spawn_job_fiber(trace)))) if f.alive? finished = run_fiber(f) if !finished next_job_fibers << f end end end join_queues(job_fibers, next_job_fibers) while (!source_fibers.empty? || @source_cache.each_value.any? { |group_sources| group_sources.each_value.any?(&:pending?) }) while (f = source_fibers.shift || (((job_fibers.size + source_fibers.size + next_source_fibers.size + next_job_fibers.size) < total_fiber_limit) && spawn_source_fiber(trace))) if f.alive? finished = run_fiber(f) if !finished next_source_fibers << f end end end join_queues(source_fibers, next_source_fibers) end end trace&.end_dataloader(self) end run_fiber(manager) if manager.alive? raise "Invariant: Manager fiber didn't terminate properly." end if !job_fibers.empty? raise "Invariant: job fibers should have exited but #{job_fibers.size} remained" end if !source_fibers.empty? raise "Invariant: source fibers should have exited but #{source_fibers.size} remained" end rescue UncaughtThrowError => e throw e.tag, e.value end |
#run_fiber(f) ⇒ Object
[View source]
247 248 249 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 247 def run_fiber(f) f.resume end |
#run_isolated ⇒ Object
Use a self-contained queue for the work in the block.
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 160 def run_isolated prev_queue = @pending_jobs prev_pending_keys = {} @source_cache.each do |source_class, batched_sources| batched_sources.each do |batch_args, batched_source_instance| if batched_source_instance.pending? prev_pending_keys[batched_source_instance] = batched_source_instance.pending.dup batched_source_instance.pending.clear end end end @pending_jobs = [] res = nil # Make sure the block is inside a Fiber, so it can `Fiber.yield` append_job { res = yield } run res ensure @pending_jobs = prev_queue prev_pending_keys.each do |source_instance, pending| pending.each do |key, value| if !source_instance.results.key?(key) source_instance.pending[key] = value end end end end |
#set_fiber_variables(vars) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Set up the fiber variables in a new fiber.
This is called within the fiber, right after it is spawned.
94 95 96 97 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 94 def set_fiber_variables(vars) vars.each { |k, v| Thread.current[k] = v } nil end |
#spawn_fiber ⇒ Object
[View source]
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 251 def spawn_fiber fiber_vars = get_fiber_variables !@nonblocking) { set_fiber_variables(fiber_vars) yield cleanup_fiber } end |
#with(source_class, *batch_args, **batch_kwargs) ⇒ Object
truffle-ruby wasn’t doing well with the implementation below
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 111 def with(source_class, *batch_args) batch_key = source_class.batch_key_for(*batch_args) @source_cache[source_class][batch_key] ||= begin source =*batch_args) source.setup(self) source end end |
#yield(source = ) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Tell the dataloader that this fiber is waiting for data.
Dataloader will resume the fiber after the requested data has been loaded (by another Fiber).
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 |
# File 'lib/graphql/dataloader.rb', line 134 def yield(source = Fiber[:__graphql_current_dataloader_source]) trace = Fiber[:__graphql_current_multiplex]&.current_trace trace&.dataloader_fiber_yield(source) Fiber.yield trace&.dataloader_fiber_resume(source) nil end |