Class: GraphQL::Types::Relay::BaseConnection

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Defined in:


Use this to implement Relay connections, or take it as inspiration for Relay classes in your own app.

You may wish to copy this code into your own base class, so you can extend your own BaseObject instead of GraphQL::Schema::Object.


Implementation a connection and edge

class BaseObject < GraphQL::Schema::Object; end

# Given some object in your app ...
class Types::Post < BaseObject

# Make a couple of base classes:
class Types::BaseEdge < GraphQL::Types::Relay::BaseEdge; end
class Types::BaseConnection < GraphQL::Types::Relay::BaseConnection; end

# Then extend them for the object in your app
class Types::PostEdge < Types::BaseEdge
  node_type Types::Post

class Types::PostConnection < Types::BaseConnection
  edge_type Types::PostEdge,
            edges_nullable: true,
            edge_nullable: true,
            node_nullable: true,
            nodes_field: true

  # Alternatively, you can call the class methods followed by your edge type
  # edges_nullable true
  # edge_nullable true
  # node_nullable true
  # has_nodes_field true
  # edge_type Types::PostEdge

See Also:

Constant Summary

Constants included from Schema::Member::HasFields

Schema::Member::HasFields::CONFLICT_FIELD_NAMES, Schema::Member::HasFields::GRAPHQL_RUBY_KEYWORDS, Schema::Member::HasFields::RUBY_KEYWORDS

Constants included from Schema::Member::GraphQLTypeNames

Schema::Member::GraphQLTypeNames::Boolean, Schema::Member::GraphQLTypeNames::ID, Schema::Member::GraphQLTypeNames::Int

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Schema::Object

#context, #object

Attributes included from Schema::Member::BaseDSLMethods

#default_graphql_name, #graphql_name

Attributes included from Schema::Member::RelayShortcuts

#connection_type, #connection_type_class, #edge_type, #edge_type_class

Attributes included from Schema::Member::HasAstNode


Method Summary

Methods included from ConnectionBehaviors

add_page_info_field, #edges, #nodes

Methods inherited from Schema::Object

authorized_new, const_missing, #dataloader, #initialize, kind, #raw_value, scoped_new, wrap, wrap_scoped

Methods included from Schema::Member::HasFields

#add_field, #all_field_definitions, #field, #field_class, #global_id_field, #own_fields

Methods included from Schema::Member::HasInterfaces

#implements, #interface_type_memberships, #interfaces, #own_interface_type_memberships

Methods included from Schema::Member::BaseDSLMethods

#authorized?, #comment, #default_relay, #description, #introspection, #introspection?, #mutation, #name, #visible?

Methods included from Schema::Member::BaseDSLMethods::ConfigurationExtension


Methods included from Schema::Member::TypeSystemHelpers

#initialize, #kind, #list?, #non_null?, #to_list_type, #to_non_null_type, #to_type_signature

Methods included from Schema::Member::Scoped

#inherited, #reauthorize_scoped_objects, #scope_items

Methods included from Schema::Member::HasPath


Methods included from Schema::Member::HasAstNode


Methods included from Schema::Member::HasDirectives

add_directive, #directive, #directives, get_directives, #inherited, #remove_directive, remove_directive

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from GraphQL::Schema::Object